Test Prep

Test prep for competitive high school and college admissions.

Standardized testing permeates modern education, spanning from early elementary school and Standards of Learning tests, to the end of high school and college admissions exams such as the SAT. That’s not even counting optional assessments such as the TJ and Academies of Loudoun applications, the PSAT, and AP tests for a head start on college credits.

Parents, educators, and administrators alike have voiced their opinions on whether standardized testing culture is beneficial or detrimental to students. However, for the time being these tests, while stressful, are vital to students’ success.

At Fairfax Collegiate, we believe that high-stakes tests can be an opportunity instead of an obligation. With the proper support, students can further synthesize what they’ve learned in school as well as develop more effective study habits. To achieve these goals, all our test prep classes:

  • Are designed to be highly engaging and much more than just repetitive worksheets
  • Include a variety of simple and effective techniques for managing test anxiety
  • Are taught by veteran instructors who have demonstrated expertise on a range of standardized tests
  • Include feedback from the instructor at the end of the class on the progress the student made and recommendations on what to practice next

Fairfax Collegiate has been a trusted provider of test preparation for over 25 years. There are no placement tests required – all students are welcome to join us and start working towards better test results.

Crush the New Digital SAT

Students prepare for the mathematics sections of the SAT.

Students prepare for the reading and writing sections of the SAT.

Prepare for the PSAT, the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholar program.

Middle school students prepare for the Thomas Jefferson High School admissions process, with an emphasis on crafting strong personal statements.

Middle school students prepare for the Thomas Jefferson High School admissions process, with an emphasis on strategizing for the Problem-Solving Essay question and response.

Prepare for the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology admissions process, with an emphasis on crafting strong personal statements and problem-solving essays.

Prepare for the Academies of Loudoun (AOS and AET) admissions exam.